Lauren Smith is a Business Strategist, Author, Spiritual Mentor, and Podcast Host

With a down-to-earth vibe meshed with a gregarious personality, Lauren has a special ability to connect with people. Lauren’s believes that we are each born with innate gifts, and it is our duty to share them with the world.

Lauren initiated her own business in college, but when she uprooted she was forced to start over again. She then began a job as a Social Media Specialist for a Fortune 500 Company, but soon left to pursue her own business, Socially Tangled, LLC – a digital marketing agency with a specialty in social media.

Over the last 13 years, Lauren has worked with entrepreneurs all over the world to grow their businesses online through her authentic, actionable, and profitable strategies.

Her clients range from Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, and small businesses, to coaches and consultants, doctors, yoga instructors, fitness trainers, realtors, and beyond.

Lauren is the co-author of ‘The Whole Professional‘ which is currently being used in a career prep program at the University of the District of Columbia. In 2018, Lauren released her book, “Mindful Love: Bite Sized Thought Nuggets to Fuel Your Life” and the Top 50 podcast, Master Your Mind, Business, and Life.

In 2023, Lauren brought a new podcast to the scene, Awaken Your Soul. This storytelling podcast focuses on sharing life-changing stories of people from all walks of life.

As an eternal learner, Lauren is wildly passionate about mindfulness, growth, spirituality, and helping others become the best version of themselves.

Lauren is a mom of two girls, lives in Florida, loves food, travel, bubble baths, the JMU Dukes + the Pittsburgh Steelers, and all things bright and airy.