You’re committing an act of self-sabotage when you fill your mind with negativity, doubt, and fear.

Fill your mind with love, shift your life.

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The Whole Professional by Lauren Smith
Lauren Smith, The Whole Professional

Let’s Be Real.

In the game of life, we’re all dealt a different hand. Regardless of what that hand looks like, we’re each faced with life’s daily blessings, triumphs, failures, and some days – a lot of bullshit.

In mid-2014, after the birth of my second daughter, I was in that “a lot of bullshit” phase of life. I struggled with my sense of worth, value, and purpose. One day, while meeting with a spiritual mentor, our talk revealed a lot of repressed feelings I had, which were fueling my negative emotions. Toward the end of our call, she gave me a challenge.

She challenged me to tell myself, “I am worthy. I am enough” every day, until I believed it.

Every day, for months, I told myself those 6 words. I’m not sure at what point I began believing it because the challenge turned into a daily habit.

Since then, I’ve incorporated journaling into my daily routine. I start my day by writing 5 positive statements that I need to embody; these “affirmations” turned into my self-proclaimed

“Mindful Love” nuggets.

I’ve taken my favorite writings from the past few years, to share with you in this book.


My hope for you, through all of the phases of life, is that you remain mindful of your thoughts; may they always be positive, powerful, and full of love.

My second published book has touched the hearts of many globally. It is packed full of bite-sized wisdom that is sure to fuel your mind and shift your life. This is a great book to gift a graduate, colleague, or friend, or consider it a gift to self.  No matter who you buy it for, I hope it resonates!

With light,


"I now carry this book in bag and take it with me everywhere! Whenever I need a little love, a little clarity, or just a smile this book always delivers. Small enough for your purse, big enough to inspire!!"

– Amazon Review

The Spiritual Seeker (Cards)