Lack of Money Does Not Block Blessings
I’ll never forget this story or where I was when I heard it.
I was sitting at my kitchen table, in my normal spot (we all have them, right?). After scrolling through a few podcasts, I ended up on Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations. An episode with Brené Brown popped up and I felt it calling to me. I have a soft spot for Brené Brown – her research really makes me think, plus she’s a great storyteller.
Now, if you don’t know who Dr. Brené Brown is – she’s an New York Times best selling author and a researcher – she heavily focuses on vulnerability.
Brené was first on SuperSoul after her book, “Daring Greatly ” became a best seller. The second time she was on Oprah, Brené told the story of how her life looked the first time they had met.
On the day she was to meet Oprah for the first time, her rent check bounced, she was broke, and she had no nice clothes to wear on the show. With $5 cash on her, she hit the GoodWill in a nice part of town, and found a shirt that was suitable to wear.
Picture it – a woman who hit the NYT best sellers list, sitting next to Oprah in a shirt she bought from the GoodWill, seemingly appearing as if she’s got it all figured out.
Now, it’s worth mentioning that Brené hadn’t received any money from her book at this point. Many don’t know that authors sometimes have to wait over a year to see that money come through to them – and often times, books that require the research such as the titles Brené authors, sometimes require working “for free” for awhile.
Needless to say, this story hit me hard.
While listening to it I wrote down, “lack of money does not block blessings.”
If you’re reading this post and you’ve ever thought that good things can’t or won’t happen to you because of your financial situation – know that you’re wrong.
Blessings are in everyday things. Don’t overlook them and don’t ever feel like you’re not worthy of them simply because of your financial situation.
Money Mindset Blocks to Give Up
- Debt defines me
- Lack of money blocks me from getting what I want
- I will only be financially free if I marry rich
- I’m not good at managing money
Money Mantras to Embrace
- My relationship with money gets better every day
- I am worthy of getting everything I want
- I am limitless with the amount of money I can make
Struggling with your Money Mindset? Check out my podcast episode with Wealth Therapist, Agnes Kowlaski. Agnes outlines how we can give ourselves Permission to Prosper.
Bless Up,