The Reversed Bucket List
While looking for new items to add to my own Bucket List, I came across a concept called, “The Reversed Bucket List.”
The idea seemed simple enough.
Instead of opening and expanding your mind with dreams and high hopes for the future, you consciously shift into a mode reflection and gratitude.
With the Reversed Bucket List, you list things you’ve already accomplished – and be mindfully grateful for the journey.
Fun, right?
While doing this challenge, I found myself thinking a few things
The first being – that I almost felt like I was bragging about my accomplishments or experiences. I had to give myself a reality check – and remind myself that these moments in life, are ones I cherish and the purpose of this is to help me see what I already have, what I’ve had, and
The second thought – was that I was doubting myself on if this list was “good enough” or “too average.” I found myself thinking “so many people have done these things.” Again, had to give myself a reality check and change my mindset to “so many people HAVEN’T done these things”
Shifting that inner conversation while writing this list, really helped me complete it.
I began with 22 items; 22 because I love numbers and 22 is a Master Number in Numerology.
My Reversed Bucket List:
- Launched my podcast, “Master Your Mind, Business and Life,” which is now nation and worldwide – in over 15 countries. If you would’ve told me 5 years ago, or dang, even a year ago, that I’d be the host of a worldwide podcast that’s being listened to on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music and beyond – I probably would have laughed. But now this podcast is a huge piece of me and I’m so extremely grateful for the journey.
- Started my own business. I had my LLC at hand before I had my college diploma.
- Self published a book. My Book, Mind Love: Bite-Sized Thought Nuggets to Fuel Your Life, has sold incredibly well. With a little help from a mentor and a lot of research, I figured out how to self-publish my first full book within 2 months, from start to finish.
- Have been to more campgrounds than I care to admit. My mom was a campground manager for most of my youth, and we traveled to various campgrounds in numerous states – from Maine to Wisconsin, every summer for years. One summer almost did a rolling tour of campgrounds, and campground hopped. I saw a lot of cool places, and seemed to easily make friends along the way.
- Cheered in the Pro Bowl in Hawaii – the funny story about this. In order to get chosen for the pro-bowl, each cheer team is given 5 ribbons, each a different color. 5 girls are chosen to wear this ribbon on their shoe at the competition and each color ribbon, had a specific judge to watch that girl perform and decide if she was Pro Bowl material. I had competed for 3 years, before finally being chosen. The night before this big competition, I got kicked in the face and fractured my jaw. While I probably shouldn’t have competed the next day, I was determined to get my bid to Hawaii. Needless to say, I got that bid, and while the trip was beyond expensive – my parents were so supportive and made sure that I was able to go on the trip. During half-time My friends and I performed on the 40 yard line during, 2 rows back from the front, and we had a blast.
- Swam under a waterfall in Bali – I’m not sure what else needs to be said about that, other than IT. WAS. MAGICAL.
- Went Skydiving with my sister – I can proudly say that I can typically talk my sister into doing anything…usually things she’d never do without me. For her 30th birthday a few years ago, we went Skydiving over the coast of Florida. We got to see the Kennedy Space Center from above, as well as the ocean. It was one of the coolest, yet faster, experiences of my life. Being able to share it with my sister, made it all 100x more amazing.
- Speaking of the Kennedy Space Center, I’ve witnessed more rocket launches than I can even count. I love catching these rockets – night launches are my favorite, as they light up the sky!
- Becoming a mother changed me, as I’m sure most parents are able to say. These little humans filled my heart with love that I didn’t even know was missing.
- Modern Medicine – modern medicine has saved my life, on more than one occasion. From bad asthma attacked, to hemorrhaging after child birth, I’ve gotta be grateful for medication.
- Taking the leap to move 900 miles away from Maryland to Florida, with no job security and just enough money to get buy – was one of my biggest leaps in life.
- I have had a friendship for over 25 years – most of my childhood friends are still my best friends today.
- Have been the voice of numerous company’s advertisement videos – which is really cool. My voice helps rep their brand, and that’s not something I ever thought would happy.
- Travel alone, boldly. I’ve flown more times solo, than I have with others. Regardless if it’s across the world, or even a few states away – traveling alone is something I actually quite enjoy.
- The ability to forgive and grow. Forgiving those who have hurt me, has been monumental in my growth and self development.
- Summers in a neighborhood full of kids. We would play laser tag, midnight (our version of hide and seek), and basketball until the street lights came on.
- Experienced being blessed by a High Priestess in Bali. I was also baptized in the Brethren Church when I was younger.
- I’ve been to concerts of so many different genres – from country, hip-hop, rap, and reggae, to punk rock, hard rock, and even classical.
- I have dipped my toes into the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Bali Sea, the Chesapeake Bay, as well as countless lakes and rivers throughout the United States. This is pretty big, considering I’ve met people who have never been to a major body of water.
- Ice Skating in New York City at Christmas time. This is something I can’t wait to take my kids to do. NYC feels so magical around Christmas, and ice skating outdoors with all of the lights around, feels even more magical.
- Staying in a Palace in Prague. Yep. A real palace. Funny, because when I was there I told my friend that I felt like I was home and felt like I have royal blood in me. Don’t laugh – because I actually found out this was true. Which leads me to 22…
- Learning my Family Heritage. Last year for Christmas, I received an Ancestry DNA kit. Here’s the breakdown of my results:
– Great Britain – 68%
– Ireland/Scotland/Wales – 19%
– Germanic Europe – 13%After learning my results, I knew I had to dive into learning more about my family’s history.
I found out that through my paternal grandmother’s side – My 17th Great- Grandfather, was King Henry the 1st of England. There were also many Dukes and Duchesses in my family tree on my mom’s side.
Also, I learned on my Dad’s Dad side – that my ancestors were part of the founding community that started my hometown of Boonsboro, Maryland.Kicking it back even further, my 11th great Grandfather, was Richard “The Bull” Smith. Richard rescued the captured daughter of a Native American Chief. In return, the Chief told Richard he could claim as much land as he wanted – but, he had to ride a bull and only had 1 day to stake the land. Richard Smith, a wise business man, chose to ride his bull on the longest day of the Year, the first day of Summer, in order to secure more land. This area of land, is now Smithtown, New York. Richard “The Bull “Smith’s statue, is proudly displayed within the town.
Once my list was done, I reflected on it for a while and realized how grateful I am for the adventures I have had and how proud I am of my accomplishments.
I think this might be something I add to more frequently, to keep me humble and grateful.
I encourage you to take the Reversed Bucket List Challenge! If you decide to do so, let me know or tag me in a post – I’d love to see what you’re most proud of – so I can be proud of you, with you!
Find me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook!
Adventure On,