
Tools, Tips, and Tricks to Help You Master Your Mind, Business, and Life.

Success Advice from Entrepreneurs

Success Advice from Entrepreneurs

I’ve always been intrigued by the minds of entrepreneurs. It takes a lot of guts, perseverance, skill, and a shit ton of failure (lessons) to be an entrepreneur. I’ve often wondered what makes other entrepreneurs tick? What’s their biggest driving force or their...

Master Your Mind, Business, and Life – THE PODCAST!

Master Your Mind, Business, and Life – THE PODCAST!

Stories. They connect us all. A simple story can bridge the gap between stranger and friend. It can bring perspective, clarity, and even advice. A story has as much power to make us weep, as it does to make us joyful. Through life, we learn through the stories we...

Mindful Approach to Reducing Stress

Mindful Approach to Reducing Stress

Mindfulness is not an elimination of stress, but more of the awareness of your thoughts. . Since thoughts provoke emotion, we’re often able to change how we think or feel about a situation, simply by being more mindful.

What to Do When the Odds Seem Stacked Against You

What to Do When the Odds Seem Stacked Against You

Ever feel like the odds are stacked against you?

Life has a tendency to throw us curve balls at the worst possible time. Whether it’s financial despair, trouble in your relationship or job, or even a failure that you feel you’ll never rebound from – feeling as if the odds are stacked against you is often a common feeling.

What I Learned After Experiencing Hurricane Irma

What I Learned After Experiencing Hurricane Irma

I never really understood how or why people would sign up for Naked and Afraid, only to quit on day 3. Until now. Extreme situations can be more of a mental challenge than a physical and the past 2 weeks, mentally f*cked with me. Living in Florida for over 5...

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