
They connect us all.

A simple story can bridge the gap between stranger and friend. It can bring perspective, clarity, and even advice. A story has as much power to make us weep, as it does to make us joyful.

Through life, we learn through the stories we create, as well as the stories we hear.

As a natural story lover, I felt the next project in life should be one that revolves around others who have a story or message to share.

Today, I launch the Master Your Mind, Business, and Life podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Podbean . 

The goal of the Master Your Mind, Business and Life podcast is to have real, authentic, conversations with every day world shifters, truth seekers, and rule breakers.

I want you, the listener, to walk away from every episode with information that will help you push past boundaries, shift your mindset, implement profitable strategies, turn your purpose into your paycheck, and begin living with intention.

Topics we’ll explore in the MIND category, we’ll meet with experts in mindfulness, meditation, neuroscience,and psychology – and also dive into topics such as improving your memory, intuition vs. ego, and more.

When we’re talking about BUSINESS, we’ll being getting down to the nitty gritty about all things that make a business tick. From strategy, finances, and social media, to topics like becoming a better leader, growing your brand, and how to become more productive within your business.

And LIFE – well life is a little bit of everything. We’ve got health, fitness, relationships, personal growth, spirituality, numerology, social movements, stories of overcoming adversity and SO. MUCH. MORE.

So join me in the podcast realm, and listen to this week’s episode: Growth Through Failure

You can also subscribe to podcast episodes + read show notes on the podcast website:

Until next week,
