The Importance Learning the Language

The Importance Learning the Language

I’m guilty of zoning out when I don’t understand what’s being said.

I’m sure you’re guilty of it too.

You’ve likely sat through a class you were interested in, only to become so lost in the verbiage being used that it sounds as if the teacher was speaking another language.

I remember a conversation with my spiritual mentor, early into us meeting each other. We were talking about astrology, something I was eager to learn about, but was still a novice in. When she asked me which planet was in my 11th house in my birth chart, I was completely confused. My WHAT chart? Was that something my mom needed to get from the hospital? I have a planet in a house? Do WHAT?

I had no idea what she was talking about, so the entire conversation made me feel so lost. She was starting big on the spiritual scope, while I was still trying to grasp the overall concept. I knew that if I wanted to dive back into a conversation with her about astrology, I first needed to learn the language.

By “learning the language,” I mean the common terms and phrases that are used to discuss that subject.

Likewise, when teaching the language, you need to “dumb it down.” I don’t mean this as if the person you are talking to is dumb, but if you know more on the subject than they do, you need to teach the basics and break down the terms/phrases associated to that subject.

When studying “the language”, remember to be a student. This may mean you need to take initiative and do independent research to further advance your understanding. Research, connect, apply.

We all have a starting point in every area of life; be mindful that others may not be on your level yet.

Teach, inspire, learn, and grow. We’re all in this together!

Cheers to your growth,

My Biggest Mistake as an Entrepreneur

My Biggest Mistake as an Entrepreneur

When you’re beginning your first business and dipping your toes into the entrepreneurial journey, jumping to the money making part and figuring everything else out along the way, is usually what happens. In your mind, sales is key and money is a big motivator.

Some could argue that not having the proper branding, an amazing website, a social media presence, or even virtually no money to start up will prevent you from making money. But I say, that’s a load of crap.

Hear me out.

I’ve witnessed businesses with NO online presence and terrible branding make 6 and 7 figures yearly. They hustle, they sell/provide, and they make bank.

Now, will a better branded company with a high converting website, and large social following increase your overall company value, recognition, and sales? Yes. Could lacking one of those aspects be one of the reasons your business isn’t thriving? Absolutely. But still, marketing and sales aren’t the only core parts of your business, nor the step that is typically overlooked.

When I began Socially Tangled, I had the logo, the branding, contracts, the website, the social media presence, and even the clients.

The first time business wasn’t working in my favor, it was strictly a pricing thing. I wasn’t pricing my services high enough, therefor was royally screwing up my income. This, was an easy fix. With new packages and a new clients, I was making more money than before and was feeling damn good about my business.

As business started taking off at a rapid pace, it didn’t take me long to realize my business structurally wasn’t prepared for the growth.

And that’s when the REAL “oh shit” moment came in.

I realized no one can do my job (nor could I delegate tasks properly) without my systems written out.  I lacked training material, an operation/procedure manual, and best practice guides. There was no documented system or process for my business; so when I hired 5 new teammates I essentially set them (and my business) up for failure.

The new team members weren’t fulfilling the duties I had anticipated or expected plus there was just a lot of miscommunication; this was no ones fault other than my own. This ultimately took me from a 7 person payroll back down to a 2 person payroll.

When a business needs 7 people, but the burden is placed on 2, ultimate burnout is sure to occur…and it did. This caused me to not be able to take on any new business (slow growth) and I became overwhelmed to the point where I actually began hating the hustle.

And to think, this was all due to lack of systems and procedures.

Core Business Systems

There are 5 core business systems to that keep your business running, growing, and thriving. Procedures, training guides, and systematic ways for the behind-the-scenes business, are known as the Management System and is the keystone of all systems. Without this in place, other remaining 4 core systems such as Marketing, Sales, Fulfillment and Accounting, will crumble.

Build systems, processes, and procedures then delegate it out. Essentially, you want to get your business to a place where you’re solely in charge of the tactics and strategies that take your business to the next level!

Don’t get stuck in the continuous cycle of doing bitch work.

Been there, done that.
It’s for the birds.

Need help setting up systems and strategies in your business?

Schedule a consultation with me! I’ll help get you on the right track.

Committed to your growth,

Balancing Life as a Work-From-Home Parent

Balancing Life as a Work-From-Home Parent

Being an entrepreneur is hard work. Working from home requires self motivation.

Working from home with a baby on your lap? Now that takes business and life to a whole new level.

For the past 8 years, I have successfully run two businesses with not one, but two kids at home.

Many view working from home as a luxury. Sitting at home in your pajamas all day, never missing a moment with the kids, the flexibility of scheduling…sounds like the best job ever, right?!

It is, for most.

But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with mass amounts of struggles.

Have you ever been on a video conference call, and have a toddler walk in carrying their poopy diaper for all to see? I have.

What about times where you have literally gone WEEKS without seeing anyone other than your kids and/or partner? Yep, plenty of those.

And of course there’s days,when you’re massively uninspired, because your environment never seems to change

In all of the many years of juggling this work-from-home mompreneur life, I’ve learned a few important lessons along the way to keep things as smooth sailing as possible. If you’re a work-from-home parent who feels like the Captain of the Struggle Bus right now, these tips are for you:

  1. Routine, Routine, Routine. I’m the first to admit, my whole day feels off when my morning routine is off (also sometimes a massive a-hole when it’s thrown off). There’s truly only 2 things I do for myself, each and every single morning. After I wake up, I make coffee, I sit down with my journal, and I write positive affirmations, blessings, and/or thoughts of gratitude. Then, I’m ready to go into “Mom Mode” and run in 20 different directions, before finally being able to sit down and work. Find something that brings you balance in the morning, it’ll set the tone for your day.
  2. Make Use of Drive Time If I’m the passenger in the car, I use our travel time, albeit 10 minutes or 9 hours, to work. It’s a great and easy way to do light tasks such social media management, emails, updating to-do lists, or even finally getting around to that e-Guide I’ve been meaning to read all week. Utilize time in the car, even if that means the 5 minutes you’re sitting in line waiting to pick up your kiddo from school or practice!
  3. Wake up Early Or go to bed late. I used to go to bed late, but as my kids get older (who am I kidding, as I get older), I’ve found late nights are harder and I’m completely drained by 9pm. The rare exception is when I’m in a creative flow, I could work all night! Wake up an hour or 2 before your kids to brainstorm, task prep for the day, or to even have a quiet moment to enjoy your coffee before chaos ensues.
  4. Find Help When my kids were younger, their dad worked nights, so I really was able to utilize days with help. As things have changed, I found myself in a predicament of needing more help. If your budget allows it, hire an in-home part-time nanny or babysitter; part or full-time daycare is an option, too! Not in your budget or realm of comfortability?
  5. Priority & Action Lists I’m a big list person; a lot goes on in my head and organization for me, comes with writing everything down. I prioritize my tasks into what absolutely has to get in kid free time (podcast recording, meetings that require silence, brainstorming, etc) – then I make it a priority to schedule that time. I use “Action Lists” instead of “To Do” lists, because they are actions I must take in order to succeed. Little changing in words, can change how your prioritize tasks.
  6. Have a Prep Day  I utilize Sunday’s to prep all my content for the week and write down my priority list. If I’m feeling particularly on top of my game, I’ll meal prep for the week too. Makes it easier to know whats for lunch and dinner, when the work is cut out of it.
  7. Give Yourself the Day Off A day off on Wednesday? Sure. Why not! You have flexibility in your job, use it. And most importantly, when you take a day off, drop the guilt. Mental health is as important as physical health, a trip to the park or even 1 hour at the nail salon, can do a lot to revitalize you.

So there you have it, 7 ways to make the work-from-home parent / life balance a little easier.

Do you have a tip you’d like to share with others that I may have missed? I’d love for you to share it in the comments below!

To Your Growth,