Lack of Money Does Not Block Blessings

Lack of Money Does Not Block Blessings

I’ll never forget this story or where I was when I heard it.

I was sitting at my kitchen table, in my normal spot (we all have them, right?). After scrolling through a few podcasts, I ended up on Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations. An episode with Brené Brown popped up and I felt it calling to me.  I have a soft spot for Brené Brown – her research really makes me think, plus she’s a great storyteller.

Now, if you don’t know who Dr. Brené Brown is – she’s an New York Times best selling author and a researcher – she heavily focuses on vulnerability.

Brené was first on SuperSoul after her book, “Daring Greatly ” became a best seller. The second time she was on Oprah, Brené told the story of how her life looked the first time they had met.

On the day she was to meet Oprah for the first time, her rent check bounced, she was broke, and she had no nice clothes to wear on the show. With $5 cash on her, she hit the GoodWill in a nice part of town, and found a shirt that was suitable to wear.

Picture it – a woman who hit the NYT best sellers list, sitting next to Oprah in a shirt she bought from the GoodWill, seemingly appearing as if she’s got it all figured out.

Now, it’s worth mentioning that Brené hadn’t received any money from her book at this point. Many don’t know that authors sometimes have to wait over a year to see that money come through to them – and often times, books that require the research such as the titles Brené authors, sometimes require working “for free” for awhile.

Needless to say, this story hit me hard.

While listening to it I wrote down, “lack of money does not block blessings.”

If you’re reading this post and you’ve ever thought that good things can’t or won’t happen to you because of your financial situation – know that you’re wrong.

Blessings are in everyday things. Don’t overlook them and don’t ever feel like you’re not worthy of them simply because of your financial situation.

Money Mindset Blocks to Give Up

  • Debt defines me
  • Lack of money blocks me from getting what I want
  • I will only be financially free if I marry rich
  • I’m not good at managing money

Money Mantras to Embrace

  • My relationship with money gets better every day
  • I am worthy of getting everything I want
  • I am limitless with the amount of money I can make

Struggling with your Money Mindset? Check out my podcast episode with Wealth Therapist, Agnes Kowlaski. Agnes outlines how we can give ourselves Permission to Prosper.

Bless Up,

Success Advice from Entrepreneurs

Success Advice from Entrepreneurs

I’ve always been intrigued by the minds of entrepreneurs. It takes a lot of guts, perseverance, skill, and a shit ton of failure (lessons) to be an entrepreneur. I’ve often wondered what makes other entrepreneurs tick? What’s their biggest driving force or their internal inspiration? What makes them different from “everyone else?”

Let’s face it, those questions are way too deep for a blog post.

But this next question, ooooohhhh this question, it reveals a different type of depth. It’s the root of the phrase, “shoulda, coulda, woulda” for some. For others, this question brings out a sense of hope and optimism, that they maybe once lacked.

I tapped into my network and asked over 60 people from 3 different continents, 5 different countries, and 29 different states to answer this one question:

If you could give your younger self ONE piece of advice, what would it be?

And with all transparency, honesty, and for some- no filter… they answered.

Here are my top 10 favorite answers:

Step into your power and recognize your own personal strength, beauty, and self-worth. Do this and nothing can stop you.    -Sophie Jaffe, The Philosophie

Don’t let other peoples perceptions, ideas, suggestions, or comments, effect what you truly want to do with your life… Remember – “Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind”     -Nate Buchan, World Nate

 Do not quit. Whatever you do, do not quit. You will face hardship. I’m not going to lie to you. It’s not going to be easy. It’s not going to be fair. But you survive. Oh boy, do you survive. And it gets better. But you can’t give up. You can’t quit. You must carry on, and choose growth and freedom.     –Kara Whaley, Business Strategist

Don’t doubt yourself   -Norma Jean Belenky, Norma Jean Loves

It’s okay that you don’t know where you want to be in the next 5-10 years. Everything will change, whether you like it or not. You most likely will lose some or even most of your “friends” and keep a few. Life is what you make it.    – Nicole Allard, Cobat Virtual

Your wildest ideas, could change the world. Do not fear failure, only fear inaction. Life is too short to wonder “what if?” Some people will understand your vision immediately, and others will never understand. You must show them. Above all, show yourself. You WILL fail, and you must accept that- but never accept failure for anything less than learning.   -Jesse Alton, Alton Tech 

Think big because anything is possible! The only restrictions in life are the ones I put on myself.    –Kristen Nolan, Metabolism & Fitness Coach

Focus on what is truly important in life. No one lays on their deathbed and wishes they had worked more. Give your employer 100%, but don’t sacrifice the rest of your life for it. Love hose who will love you back.   -Paul Critchley, New England Lean Consulting

Get the hell out of your own way otherwise you’ll spend entirely too much time making excuses for why you can’t do things instead of finding a way to make it happen.           Stephanie Patterson, SR Photo Studio

Seek INTEGRITY with anything you do. By integrity, I’m referring to improving your behavior patterns when no one else is watching. All political, economical and religious influences aside, the only justification you need for your current actions is whether the outcome will be one step forward or two steps backward from your personal and/or professional goals. This will allow you to remain humble and objective, devote 100 percent of your undivided attention towards work/life priorities, and view obstacles as opportunities when they arise. Eric Burratty, Eric Burratty Fitness

And if I ever had to give myself one piece of advice it would be “Don’t lead with your head or your heart, trust the gut. Your intuition won’t misguide you.”

What would you tell your younger self? Share them with me in the comments below!

Need more positivity in your life? Check out my book, “Mind Love: Bite-Sized Thought Nuggets to Fuel Your Life” for inspiration!

To Your Success,



5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Invest In

5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Invest In

Start up and long time business owners alike, can often times neglect simple investments that can heighten their business without breaking the bank.

It’s easy to hear the term “investment” and automatically think of bonds, stocks, shares, etc. Sure, these are extremely valuable things for anyone to invest in but these 5 things will help you AND your business grow:

Social Media Marketing: New customers won’t come knocking if they don’t even know you exist. You have to get in front of your audience; being visible is one of the most simple ways to create buzz about your business. Develop a social media presence to connect with your target audience!

Professional Headshots: Sure you could grab a selfie stick and attempt to do it yourself; or you could invest in professional photos that align with your branding and demonstrate your professionalism. Your photos can be used on social media, your website, marketing collateral, and more. People study faces and you can’t take back a first impression; make sure your photos are of quality and represent you and your business in the truest form.

Mentorship / Certifications / Expert Learning: Learning doesn’t always have to come at a high price. Many times, you can connect with an experienced mentor to be your go-to for all things business related.. or you could also hire a coach to help grow your business and work directly with you.

If you hold a certification in a certain area, you can use it to leverage your expertise over competitors. Not all certifications are costly, in fact, some are free but do require 15+ hours of training plus an exam. Be sure to research certifications in your field!

Enhance your knowledge and learn from experts! Attending seminars and workshops are great, but you don’t even have to leave your home or office to keep up to date with industry experts. Read their books, listen to podcasts, read blogs, watch vlogs – it doesn’t matter how you learn as long as you continue to learn.

Technology: You need to keep your technology up to date. This year I invested over 3k in technology, and it has paid itself within 3 months. Don’t let the price tag of a piece of an expensive piece of technology or equipment detour you from purchasing it. Think about the value it could bring to your business; will it make your job easier? Will it help you produce better results for clients? If you answered yes to those questions, then it’s time you stop letting the price tag be your excuse.

R & R: Ahhh, rest and relaxation. If you’re not getting enough sleep or not taking personal time off to relax and devote to yourself,family,friends – you’re skimping on the BEST and EASIEST investment you can make for yourself and your business. Aim for a full night of sleep to optimize your performance and focus daily. Don’t think you have the time for a vacation or to take time off? Wrong. What you don’t have time for is a complete and utter burn out. Take care of yourself, it’ll pay off.

Painless and simple enough, right? Investing in both yourself and your business will be profitable; stop making excuses and just do it!

If you want to invest in something with minimal risk and guaranteed return, invest in yourself.

To your growth,
