The Most Powerful Type of Momentum

The Most Powerful Type of Momentum

Momentum: the force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event developing after it has started.

Some days, it’s really tough to humbly receive acknowledgement and praise, while you’re working for nearly free.

When I started my podcast, I didn’t realize how much time I would end up devoting to it. I thought it’d be something where I could pick up my mic, talk to someone, publish it on the interwebs and call it a day.

It’s become so much more than that. To date, the podcast is being listened to in 15 countries and 33 states. I receive messages daily, both from people I’ve known for years as well as complete strangers, who tell me they love what I’m doing, or that an episode’s message resonated with them.

These words, they fuel me to continue to put the time into publishing the show, but to be 100% transparent – I’m not making any money off the show. The 15-20 hours I put into the show weekly – from setting up calls, finding guests, scheduling the conversations, having the actual conversation, recording intros/outros, editing episodes, writing episode notes, etc. – those 20 hours give me purpose, but they don’t feed my family.

Not *yet* anyway…

So, why do I keep doing something, that isn’t providing a financial return?

I heard on the news recently, that a man won the lottery for $638 Million. This man, has been playing the same lottery numbers every week, for 20 years. Yes, you read that correct. Same numbers, weekly, for 20 freaking years. All it took, was that *one* draw to make him a multi-millionaire.

Mastin Kipp, the author behind, stated on an Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations, that his entire life fell apart in one week. His relationship fell apart, investors pulled out of his business due to the recession, his roommate gave him 3 day’s notice, he had gout in his foot, AND he and his business partner split ways. All in ONE week.  

At this time in his life, it had taken him one year to gain even 1,000 followers on his social media, so it’s not that he was big or famous; but he said he felt that this was his calling. Within a month of his life seemingly falling apart, Kim Kardashian tweeted about The Daily Love to her 1 million followers, and encouraged them to follow his account. He went from 1,000 followers to 10,000, overnight.

Now, Mastin is widely known travels the world on a mission to inspire and motivate.

What did these two people, who I’ve never met, prove?

Momentum fueled by persistence, is an unstoppable force.

Persistence, is a type of momentum that has a force like no other.

It’s only when we stop trying that we lose any chance of reaching those big goals, milestones, achievements, or levels of mastery.

I know the Master Your Mind, Business and Life podcast will generate opportunities that I’ve dreamed of and work towards – but only through my persistence.

I’ll keep chasing my big dreams – you keep chasing yours.

Through persistence, we’ll both be rewarded in ways we’ve been dreaming about and relentlessly hustling towards.

To Our Growth,

Balancing Life as a Work-From-Home Parent

Balancing Life as a Work-From-Home Parent

Being an entrepreneur is hard work. Working from home requires self motivation.

Working from home with a baby on your lap? Now that takes business and life to a whole new level.

For the past 8 years, I have successfully run two businesses with not one, but two kids at home.

Many view working from home as a luxury. Sitting at home in your pajamas all day, never missing a moment with the kids, the flexibility of scheduling…sounds like the best job ever, right?!

It is, for most.

But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with mass amounts of struggles.

Have you ever been on a video conference call, and have a toddler walk in carrying their poopy diaper for all to see? I have.

What about times where you have literally gone WEEKS without seeing anyone other than your kids and/or partner? Yep, plenty of those.

And of course there’s days,when you’re massively uninspired, because your environment never seems to change

In all of the many years of juggling this work-from-home mompreneur life, I’ve learned a few important lessons along the way to keep things as smooth sailing as possible. If you’re a work-from-home parent who feels like the Captain of the Struggle Bus right now, these tips are for you:

  1. Routine, Routine, Routine. I’m the first to admit, my whole day feels off when my morning routine is off (also sometimes a massive a-hole when it’s thrown off). There’s truly only 2 things I do for myself, each and every single morning. After I wake up, I make coffee, I sit down with my journal, and I write positive affirmations, blessings, and/or thoughts of gratitude. Then, I’m ready to go into “Mom Mode” and run in 20 different directions, before finally being able to sit down and work. Find something that brings you balance in the morning, it’ll set the tone for your day.
  2. Make Use of Drive Time If I’m the passenger in the car, I use our travel time, albeit 10 minutes or 9 hours, to work. It’s a great and easy way to do light tasks such social media management, emails, updating to-do lists, or even finally getting around to that e-Guide I’ve been meaning to read all week. Utilize time in the car, even if that means the 5 minutes you’re sitting in line waiting to pick up your kiddo from school or practice!
  3. Wake up Early Or go to bed late. I used to go to bed late, but as my kids get older (who am I kidding, as I get older), I’ve found late nights are harder and I’m completely drained by 9pm. The rare exception is when I’m in a creative flow, I could work all night! Wake up an hour or 2 before your kids to brainstorm, task prep for the day, or to even have a quiet moment to enjoy your coffee before chaos ensues.
  4. Find Help When my kids were younger, their dad worked nights, so I really was able to utilize days with help. As things have changed, I found myself in a predicament of needing more help. If your budget allows it, hire an in-home part-time nanny or babysitter; part or full-time daycare is an option, too! Not in your budget or realm of comfortability?
  5. Priority & Action Lists I’m a big list person; a lot goes on in my head and organization for me, comes with writing everything down. I prioritize my tasks into what absolutely has to get in kid free time (podcast recording, meetings that require silence, brainstorming, etc) – then I make it a priority to schedule that time. I use “Action Lists” instead of “To Do” lists, because they are actions I must take in order to succeed. Little changing in words, can change how your prioritize tasks.
  6. Have a Prep Day  I utilize Sunday’s to prep all my content for the week and write down my priority list. If I’m feeling particularly on top of my game, I’ll meal prep for the week too. Makes it easier to know whats for lunch and dinner, when the work is cut out of it.
  7. Give Yourself the Day Off A day off on Wednesday? Sure. Why not! You have flexibility in your job, use it. And most importantly, when you take a day off, drop the guilt. Mental health is as important as physical health, a trip to the park or even 1 hour at the nail salon, can do a lot to revitalize you.

So there you have it, 7 ways to make the work-from-home parent / life balance a little easier.

Do you have a tip you’d like to share with others that I may have missed? I’d love for you to share it in the comments below!

To Your Growth,

Success Advice from Entrepreneurs

Success Advice from Entrepreneurs

I’ve always been intrigued by the minds of entrepreneurs. It takes a lot of guts, perseverance, skill, and a shit ton of failure (lessons) to be an entrepreneur. I’ve often wondered what makes other entrepreneurs tick? What’s their biggest driving force or their internal inspiration? What makes them different from “everyone else?”

Let’s face it, those questions are way too deep for a blog post.

But this next question, ooooohhhh this question, it reveals a different type of depth. It’s the root of the phrase, “shoulda, coulda, woulda” for some. For others, this question brings out a sense of hope and optimism, that they maybe once lacked.

I tapped into my network and asked over 60 people from 3 different continents, 5 different countries, and 29 different states to answer this one question:

If you could give your younger self ONE piece of advice, what would it be?

And with all transparency, honesty, and for some- no filter… they answered.

Here are my top 10 favorite answers:

Step into your power and recognize your own personal strength, beauty, and self-worth. Do this and nothing can stop you.    -Sophie Jaffe, The Philosophie

Don’t let other peoples perceptions, ideas, suggestions, or comments, effect what you truly want to do with your life… Remember – “Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind”     -Nate Buchan, World Nate

 Do not quit. Whatever you do, do not quit. You will face hardship. I’m not going to lie to you. It’s not going to be easy. It’s not going to be fair. But you survive. Oh boy, do you survive. And it gets better. But you can’t give up. You can’t quit. You must carry on, and choose growth and freedom.     –Kara Whaley, Business Strategist

Don’t doubt yourself   -Norma Jean Belenky, Norma Jean Loves

It’s okay that you don’t know where you want to be in the next 5-10 years. Everything will change, whether you like it or not. You most likely will lose some or even most of your “friends” and keep a few. Life is what you make it.    – Nicole Allard, Cobat Virtual

Your wildest ideas, could change the world. Do not fear failure, only fear inaction. Life is too short to wonder “what if?” Some people will understand your vision immediately, and others will never understand. You must show them. Above all, show yourself. You WILL fail, and you must accept that- but never accept failure for anything less than learning.   -Jesse Alton, Alton Tech 

Think big because anything is possible! The only restrictions in life are the ones I put on myself.    –Kristen Nolan, Metabolism & Fitness Coach

Focus on what is truly important in life. No one lays on their deathbed and wishes they had worked more. Give your employer 100%, but don’t sacrifice the rest of your life for it. Love hose who will love you back.   -Paul Critchley, New England Lean Consulting

Get the hell out of your own way otherwise you’ll spend entirely too much time making excuses for why you can’t do things instead of finding a way to make it happen.           Stephanie Patterson, SR Photo Studio

Seek INTEGRITY with anything you do. By integrity, I’m referring to improving your behavior patterns when no one else is watching. All political, economical and religious influences aside, the only justification you need for your current actions is whether the outcome will be one step forward or two steps backward from your personal and/or professional goals. This will allow you to remain humble and objective, devote 100 percent of your undivided attention towards work/life priorities, and view obstacles as opportunities when they arise. Eric Burratty, Eric Burratty Fitness

And if I ever had to give myself one piece of advice it would be “Don’t lead with your head or your heart, trust the gut. Your intuition won’t misguide you.”

What would you tell your younger self? Share them with me in the comments below!

Need more positivity in your life? Check out my book, “Mind Love: Bite-Sized Thought Nuggets to Fuel Your Life” for inspiration!

To Your Success,



5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Invest In

5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Invest In

Start up and long time business owners alike, can often times neglect simple investments that can heighten their business without breaking the bank.

It’s easy to hear the term “investment” and automatically think of bonds, stocks, shares, etc. Sure, these are extremely valuable things for anyone to invest in but these 5 things will help you AND your business grow:

Social Media Marketing: New customers won’t come knocking if they don’t even know you exist. You have to get in front of your audience; being visible is one of the most simple ways to create buzz about your business. Develop a social media presence to connect with your target audience!

Professional Headshots: Sure you could grab a selfie stick and attempt to do it yourself; or you could invest in professional photos that align with your branding and demonstrate your professionalism. Your photos can be used on social media, your website, marketing collateral, and more. People study faces and you can’t take back a first impression; make sure your photos are of quality and represent you and your business in the truest form.

Mentorship / Certifications / Expert Learning: Learning doesn’t always have to come at a high price. Many times, you can connect with an experienced mentor to be your go-to for all things business related.. or you could also hire a coach to help grow your business and work directly with you.

If you hold a certification in a certain area, you can use it to leverage your expertise over competitors. Not all certifications are costly, in fact, some are free but do require 15+ hours of training plus an exam. Be sure to research certifications in your field!

Enhance your knowledge and learn from experts! Attending seminars and workshops are great, but you don’t even have to leave your home or office to keep up to date with industry experts. Read their books, listen to podcasts, read blogs, watch vlogs – it doesn’t matter how you learn as long as you continue to learn.

Technology: You need to keep your technology up to date. This year I invested over 3k in technology, and it has paid itself within 3 months. Don’t let the price tag of a piece of an expensive piece of technology or equipment detour you from purchasing it. Think about the value it could bring to your business; will it make your job easier? Will it help you produce better results for clients? If you answered yes to those questions, then it’s time you stop letting the price tag be your excuse.

R & R: Ahhh, rest and relaxation. If you’re not getting enough sleep or not taking personal time off to relax and devote to yourself,family,friends – you’re skimping on the BEST and EASIEST investment you can make for yourself and your business. Aim for a full night of sleep to optimize your performance and focus daily. Don’t think you have the time for a vacation or to take time off? Wrong. What you don’t have time for is a complete and utter burn out. Take care of yourself, it’ll pay off.

Painless and simple enough, right? Investing in both yourself and your business will be profitable; stop making excuses and just do it!

If you want to invest in something with minimal risk and guaranteed return, invest in yourself.

To your growth,
