The Most Powerful Type of Momentum

The Most Powerful Type of Momentum

Momentum: the force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event developing after it has started.

Some days, it’s really tough to humbly receive acknowledgement and praise, while you’re working for nearly free.

When I started my podcast, I didn’t realize how much time I would end up devoting to it. I thought it’d be something where I could pick up my mic, talk to someone, publish it on the interwebs and call it a day.

It’s become so much more than that. To date, the podcast is being listened to in 15 countries and 33 states. I receive messages daily, both from people I’ve known for years as well as complete strangers, who tell me they love what I’m doing, or that an episode’s message resonated with them.

These words, they fuel me to continue to put the time into publishing the show, but to be 100% transparent – I’m not making any money off the show. The 15-20 hours I put into the show weekly – from setting up calls, finding guests, scheduling the conversations, having the actual conversation, recording intros/outros, editing episodes, writing episode notes, etc. – those 20 hours give me purpose, but they don’t feed my family.

Not *yet* anyway…

So, why do I keep doing something, that isn’t providing a financial return?

I heard on the news recently, that a man won the lottery for $638 Million. This man, has been playing the same lottery numbers every week, for 20 years. Yes, you read that correct. Same numbers, weekly, for 20 freaking years. All it took, was that *one* draw to make him a multi-millionaire.

Mastin Kipp, the author behind, stated on an Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations, that his entire life fell apart in one week. His relationship fell apart, investors pulled out of his business due to the recession, his roommate gave him 3 day’s notice, he had gout in his foot, AND he and his business partner split ways. All in ONE week.  

At this time in his life, it had taken him one year to gain even 1,000 followers on his social media, so it’s not that he was big or famous; but he said he felt that this was his calling. Within a month of his life seemingly falling apart, Kim Kardashian tweeted about The Daily Love to her 1 million followers, and encouraged them to follow his account. He went from 1,000 followers to 10,000, overnight.

Now, Mastin is widely known travels the world on a mission to inspire and motivate.

What did these two people, who I’ve never met, prove?

Momentum fueled by persistence, is an unstoppable force.

Persistence, is a type of momentum that has a force like no other.

It’s only when we stop trying that we lose any chance of reaching those big goals, milestones, achievements, or levels of mastery.

I know the Master Your Mind, Business and Life podcast will generate opportunities that I’ve dreamed of and work towards – but only through my persistence.

I’ll keep chasing my big dreams – you keep chasing yours.

Through persistence, we’ll both be rewarded in ways we’ve been dreaming about and relentlessly hustling towards.

To Our Growth,

The Importance Learning the Language

The Importance Learning the Language

I’m guilty of zoning out when I don’t understand what’s being said.

I’m sure you’re guilty of it too.

You’ve likely sat through a class you were interested in, only to become so lost in the verbiage being used that it sounds as if the teacher was speaking another language.

I remember a conversation with my spiritual mentor, early into us meeting each other. We were talking about astrology, something I was eager to learn about, but was still a novice in. When she asked me which planet was in my 11th house in my birth chart, I was completely confused. My WHAT chart? Was that something my mom needed to get from the hospital? I have a planet in a house? Do WHAT?

I had no idea what she was talking about, so the entire conversation made me feel so lost. She was starting big on the spiritual scope, while I was still trying to grasp the overall concept. I knew that if I wanted to dive back into a conversation with her about astrology, I first needed to learn the language.

By “learning the language,” I mean the common terms and phrases that are used to discuss that subject.

Likewise, when teaching the language, you need to “dumb it down.” I don’t mean this as if the person you are talking to is dumb, but if you know more on the subject than they do, you need to teach the basics and break down the terms/phrases associated to that subject.

When studying “the language”, remember to be a student. This may mean you need to take initiative and do independent research to further advance your understanding. Research, connect, apply.

We all have a starting point in every area of life; be mindful that others may not be on your level yet.

Teach, inspire, learn, and grow. We’re all in this together!

Cheers to your growth,