Master Your Mind, Business, and Life – THE PODCAST!

Master Your Mind, Business, and Life – THE PODCAST!


They connect us all.

A simple story can bridge the gap between stranger and friend. It can bring perspective, clarity, and even advice. A story has as much power to make us weep, as it does to make us joyful.

Through life, we learn through the stories we create, as well as the stories we hear.

As a natural story lover, I felt the next project in life should be one that revolves around others who have a story or message to share.

Today, I launch the Master Your Mind, Business, and Life podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Podbean . 

The goal of the Master Your Mind, Business and Life podcast is to have real, authentic, conversations with every day world shifters, truth seekers, and rule breakers.

I want you, the listener, to walk away from every episode with information that will help you push past boundaries, shift your mindset, implement profitable strategies, turn your purpose into your paycheck, and begin living with intention.

Topics we’ll explore in the MIND category, we’ll meet with experts in mindfulness, meditation, neuroscience,and psychology – and also dive into topics such as improving your memory, intuition vs. ego, and more.

When we’re talking about BUSINESS, we’ll being getting down to the nitty gritty about all things that make a business tick. From strategy, finances, and social media, to topics like becoming a better leader, growing your brand, and how to become more productive within your business.

And LIFE – well life is a little bit of everything. We’ve got health, fitness, relationships, personal growth, spirituality, numerology, social movements, stories of overcoming adversity and SO. MUCH. MORE.

So join me in the podcast realm, and listen to this week’s episode: Growth Through Failure

You can also subscribe to podcast episodes + read show notes on the podcast website:

Until next week,


Mindful Approach to Reducing Stress

Mindful Approach to Reducing Stress

I’ve always been a little anxious. I shake my leg at speeds that can shake a car when I’m nervous, stressed, feel bad energy (or even if I’m bored). It’s a involuntary reaction that I often don’t notice I’m doing until someone asks me to stop. Along with my anxiousness, comes stress.

Through the past few years, I’ve grown to become more mindful. Mindful in the way I talk to myself, the way I speak to others, the way I act when I’m following my ego instead of intuition, and of course, identifying things that stress me to my breaking point.

What triggers our stress is completely different than the techniques we use to cope with stress.

Stress, for me, is triggered by numerous things but usually comes down to either having to make a big decision or having too much on my plate to handle. I can physically reduce my stress by saying no to things, managing my time better, and not putting so much pressure on “big” decisions. But, that’s often easier said than done, right?

We can reduce the emotion of stress that we feel in the moment, by bringing mindfulness into play.

Here’s how:

1. Don’t Immediately React. Take a second to pause, think, and absorb the information you obtained. Remember that your reaction, is an action you own; be sure it’s the reaction you truly want to express.

2. Remember Emotions aren’t Facts. How we feel about something does not make it fact. Recognize your feelings and allow yourself to experience them, all while remember that we produce our own emotions to scenarios.

3. Write it Out. Sometimes we want to say things, but know in fact we shouldn’t. Often times if we’re upset and spew the first thoughts on our mind, it’s likely hurtful. Write out your emotions to get them off your chest; you’ll physically feel as if a weight as been lifted.

4.Mindful Breathing Yogi’s know that the breath connects us and allows us to slow down; it’s an easy practice that simply requires you to focus your attention on the inhale and exhale of your breath. While the practice itself is easy, keeping your attention on your breath can be difficult. If you find yourself slipping away and thinking of something other than your breath, bring your attention back.

Mindfulness is not an elimination of stress, but more of the awareness of your thoughts. Since thoughts provoke emotion, we’re often able to change how we think or feel about a situation, simply by being more mindful.

Don’t think mindfulness helps you cope with stress? Here’s an excerpt from the Harvard Business Review:

“The benefits of mindfulness meditation for business leaders are increasingly appreciated and confirmed by empirical research. Executives and high performing professionals increasingly use meditation to manage stress, maintain strategic focus, enhance cognitive performance, promote emotional intelligence, and improve interpersonal relationships.”

Next time you’re feeling stressed – identify what’s causing the stress, then mindfully center yourself by using the above techniques.

If you’re having a hard time slowing your mind down or thinking more positive – check out my book, “Mind Love”. It’s full of bite-sized thought nuggets to fuel your life!

With Love,


What to Do When the Odds Seem Stacked Against You

What to Do When the Odds Seem Stacked Against You

There are some affiliate links below, but they are all products I highly recommend. For more info, view my disclosure here.

Ever feel like the odds are stacked against you?

Life has a tendency to throw us curve balls at the worst possible time. Whether it’s financial despair, trouble in your relationship or job, or even a failure that you feel you’ll never rebound from – feeling as if the odds are stacked against you is often a common feeling.

Before I moved to Florida, I thought everything was aligned and it’d be smooth sailing. After realizing I priced my services too low and I’d need 100 clients to even pay my rent, it was a bit too late. I had already used all of my savings, had no real money coming in, and couldn’t afford groceries (let alone gas to go get groceries). I felt like the Universe was punishing me for stepping out of my comfort zone and moving 900 miles away from my family.

Was the Universe really punishing me? Well, no. It was teaching me lessons in business and in life. While they were tough as hell, I needed them to get me to this point.

If things aren’t going your way and you feel lost searching for answers, remind yourself:

Nothing is permanent. That’s the good and the bad, all wrapped into one statement. Phases of life are temporary and we always have the power to change our course with one action. For me, that action was getting a 9-5 job to supplement income while I re-figured my business. That also allowed me to later quit that job and return to my business full time.

Your Setbacks Do Not Define You. You can’t have a comeback without a setback, right? Setbacks and failures are the best foundation for growth. Your failure/setback is not a life sentence, but just a part of life.

I Am Not a Victim. Internal questions like, “why did this happen to me?” will never really give you an answer. A better question may be, “how can I make this situation better?” Be mindful not to fall trap to the victim mentality.

The odds are stacked against us in numerous ways on a daily basis. The best way to overcome an odd, is to simply take action. Keep in mind that it’s usually not a one-time thing; this action may need to be part of your daily routine and/or you may need to be strategic about it.

Conquering the odds requires purpose, meaning, and intention. It’s okay to succumb to failures, but it’s even better to bounce back with resilience.

Need a book to help you through the tough times? Consider my book, “Mind Love: Bite-Sized Thought Nuggets to Fuel Your Life.”

With Love,

4 Tips to Overcoming Work-from-Home Loneliness

4 Tips to Overcoming Work-from-Home Loneliness

In 2016, there were approximately over 63 million Americans who worked from home. It’s not a new trend to ditch the traditional office and telecommute, but its popularity is on the rise. In fact, some CEO’s such as Sir Richard Branson, have never had a formal office. He works on the go and can make any place an “office.”

Many, like myself, think that working from home is the best way to work. It provides more flexibility, cuts the commute time, and can make for more productive days. I once read a statistic that people who work-from-home are usually more productive because there’s less workplace distractions (uh, tell that to the load of laundry currently staring me in the face).

While working from home has a seemingly never ending list of advantages, no one warned me of a huge disadvantage… loneliness.

Working from home doesn’t provide a lot of face to face contact; at least, not daily. A couple months in, people think it’s the most amazing thing ever. But a couple of YEARS in, some may experience extreme isolation from being home all day every day.

When I moved to Florida 5 years ago, this feeling maximized. Starting fresh in a new-to-me town with no friends and no connections was incredibly difficult in general.I didn’t even know how to go about making new friends; I’ve had most of my friendships since elementary or middle school. Even in college, new people were introduced to me through other friends.

Meeting new people wasn’t high on my priority list, because as an introvert I actually re-charge from being alone. But when you’re sitting at home and realize the only people you’ve seen in 3 weeks are the people you live with, you know it can’t be healthy.

Over the past 5 years, I’ve slowly come out of my hermit crab shell and have found that I since I don’t get my social interaction at work like some do, I needed to get out of the house, expand my network and connect with others…or as I call it, “feeling human again.”

If you’re one of 64 million Americans who work from home, or are even a stay-at-home parent who often feels isolated, try these tips out:

4 Tips to Overcome Work-From-Home Loneliness

Join a Group – Join an adult sports leagues (kickball, anyone?), a fitness groups, go to church, take a series of classes, or even volunteer for an organization. Or, if you already have a solid group of friends, schedule a trip to a theme park or take a day trip. The key is to schedule these group ventures in advance so that you’re held accountable. I’ve personally found my “mom friends” through the PTO at my daughter’s school. We schedule once a month outings to do various things without kids.
Local MeetUps – Business networking groups are great! Often times these group meet monthly (some weekly) PLUS they host numerous events. They get you out of the house, interacting with other like-minded people, and these events can open an array of opportunities for you. If you’re unsure where to start looking, check out your local Chamber of Commerce or go to!
Work Outside the House
– If you have a laptop, a phone, or even a notebook and a pen, you can really work from anywhere. Take your work to a coffee shop, a restaurant, a park, or my favorite place…the beach! Changing your scenery can improve your state of mind (plus you won’t be focused on the laundry that’s staring at you in the face to finish).
Ditch the Email– Tone and emotion are the first things to be lost in written communication, not to mention it’s the least personal form of communication. Pick up the phone; even better, video chat! I do these often with clients. It’s nice to “see” someone’s facial expressions or mannerisms while talking to them, not to mention tone of the conversation isn’t lost. Don’t undervalue the importance of a phone or video call, they often times carry more weight and value than an email.

Working from home doesn’t always have to be lonely. Embrace the flexibility working from home provides and get out and do more!

Switch up your view, schedule your outings, and most importantly, step out of your comfort zone.

Adventure on,


5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Invest In

5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Invest In

Start up and long time business owners alike, can often times neglect simple investments that can heighten their business without breaking the bank.

It’s easy to hear the term “investment” and automatically think of bonds, stocks, shares, etc. Sure, these are extremely valuable things for anyone to invest in but these 5 things will help you AND your business grow:

Social Media Marketing: New customers won’t come knocking if they don’t even know you exist. You have to get in front of your audience; being visible is one of the most simple ways to create buzz about your business. Develop a social media presence to connect with your target audience!

Professional Headshots: Sure you could grab a selfie stick and attempt to do it yourself; or you could invest in professional photos that align with your branding and demonstrate your professionalism. Your photos can be used on social media, your website, marketing collateral, and more. People study faces and you can’t take back a first impression; make sure your photos are of quality and represent you and your business in the truest form.

Mentorship / Certifications / Expert Learning: Learning doesn’t always have to come at a high price. Many times, you can connect with an experienced mentor to be your go-to for all things business related.. or you could also hire a coach to help grow your business and work directly with you.

If you hold a certification in a certain area, you can use it to leverage your expertise over competitors. Not all certifications are costly, in fact, some are free but do require 15+ hours of training plus an exam. Be sure to research certifications in your field!

Enhance your knowledge and learn from experts! Attending seminars and workshops are great, but you don’t even have to leave your home or office to keep up to date with industry experts. Read their books, listen to podcasts, read blogs, watch vlogs – it doesn’t matter how you learn as long as you continue to learn.

Technology: You need to keep your technology up to date. This year I invested over 3k in technology, and it has paid itself within 3 months. Don’t let the price tag of a piece of an expensive piece of technology or equipment detour you from purchasing it. Think about the value it could bring to your business; will it make your job easier? Will it help you produce better results for clients? If you answered yes to those questions, then it’s time you stop letting the price tag be your excuse.

R & R: Ahhh, rest and relaxation. If you’re not getting enough sleep or not taking personal time off to relax and devote to yourself,family,friends – you’re skimping on the BEST and EASIEST investment you can make for yourself and your business. Aim for a full night of sleep to optimize your performance and focus daily. Don’t think you have the time for a vacation or to take time off? Wrong. What you don’t have time for is a complete and utter burn out. Take care of yourself, it’ll pay off.

Painless and simple enough, right? Investing in both yourself and your business will be profitable; stop making excuses and just do it!

If you want to invest in something with minimal risk and guaranteed return, invest in yourself.

To your growth,
